Title: Pro Yakyuu Netsusta 2006 (JP: プロ野球熱スタ2006) (transl. Pro Baseball Fever Stadium 2006)
Platform: PlayStation 2
Release Date: April 6th 2006
Developer: Namco
Publisher: Bandai Namco
One of the first games released after Namco’s merger with Bandai, Netsusta 2006 is the sequel to Baseball Live 2005 in Namco’s Japan-only series of realistic-styled baseball games.
Gameplay Video
Previous Namco games in this series had a tie-in with Fuji TV baseball broadcasts and copied their branding: Necchuu Pro Yakyuu from 2002-2004 and Baseball Live in 2005. That partnership dissolved ahead of the Bandai Namco merger, so this game’s title is a legally distinct nod towards a previous title, combining the “Netsu” kanji with the “-sta” from Famista, Namco’s famous cartoon-styled baseball game series.
“Famista Mode” is introduced in this game, allowing players to use then-current NPB rosters in a recreation of the original Family Stadium for the Nintendo Famicom, which was released in North America as R.B.I. Baseball.
Rosters for each NPB team are included along with two All-Star rosters and the Namco Stars, a team of Namco video game characters.
Intro Cinematic