Title: MLB The Show 18
Platform: PlayStation 4
Release Date: March 27th 2018
Developer: San Diego Studio
Publisher: Sony
Release Price: $59.99
Cover Athlete: Aaron Judge (U.S. version) Marcus Stroman (Canada version)
MLB The Show 18 is a PlayStation 4-only edition in the simulation-oriented Sony-published baseball game series.
Gameplay Video
MLB The Show 18, like the rest of its series, is a game aiming to represent baseball realistically. Hitting requires patience and good vision, and pitching requires strategy and consistent execution. The series puts special effort into its presentation during the game, trying to make the game look like a real Major League Baseball TV broadcast.
This is the last game in the series to have different cover art for the Canadian release of the game. A Blue Jays player is always the cover athlete on the Canada-specific versions, in this case Marcus Stroman.
Full 40-man rosters are included for each major league team. Each MLB organization’s AA and AAA teams are included, but only players who were on the 40-man roster in 2018 have real names or likenesses. The rest of the minor league rosters are fictional. A selection of MLB legends are available to be collected in Diamond Dynasty, played as on the legend teams in Exhibition mode, or included on your team if optionally added to Franchise mode.
Series Firsts
- Mark DeRosa joins the commentary team, and Harold Reynolds drops out.
- Season mode and Online Franchise mode present in previous titles in the series, have been removed (the normal offline Franchise mode is still available).
- Retro mode gameplay can now be used in Franchise mode.
- Road to the Show starts using the new Archetypes system. With this system, the player chooses an archetype for their Road to the Show character, giving them certain natural strengths and weaknesses in different attributes.
Intro Cinematic