Title: MLB 15 The Show
Platform: PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita (digital release only), PlayStation 3
Release Date: March 31st 2015
Developer: San Diego Studio
Publisher: Sony
Release Price: $59.99 (PS4) $39.99 (PS3) $19.99 (Vita)
Cover Athlete: Yasiel Puig (U.S.) Russell Martin (Canada)
Relatively light on new features, MLB 15 The Show is another installment in the Sony-published, San Diego Studio-developed The Show series of baseball video games.
Gameplay Video
MLB 15 The Show released on the PS3, PS4, and Vita, with certain features missing in the PS3 and Vita versions.
The PlayStation Vita release came in at a discount price compared to the previous edition. MLB 15 cost $19.99 on Vita at release whereas MLB 14 retailed for $39.99.
Full 40-man rosters are included for each Major League Baseball franchise. Real AA and AAA minor league teams are included but with fictional players replacing any players not on the real-life 40-man roster at the time of the game’s last roster update.
Series Firsts
- For the first time in the series, saves from the Road to the Show, Franchise, and Postseason modes can be imported from the previous year’s game.
- A new Universal Rewards system ties the card-collecting Diamond Dynasty mode into the other game modes. Finishing a game will earn you a Diamond Dynasty card, and equipment cards from Diamond Dynasty can be used to improve the attributes of your Road to the Show player.
- This game introduces the Directional Hitting mode. Instead of aiming your bat, the left analog stick influences where the ball will be hit: push or pull, fly ball or ground ball.
- For the first time since MLB 10 The Show, a roster of 30 Legends players are included. Collecting an entire team of player cards in the Diamond Dynasty mode will unlock a notable player from that team’s past, and the legend players can be added as free agents in the Franchise mode.