Title: DinoMight Baseball
Platform: Windows PC
Release Year: 1997
Developer: Jumpin’ Jack Software
Publisher: Microforum
Release Price: $24.99
With a unique prehistoric setting and memorable animation and voice acting, DinoMight Baseball is a creative relic of the multimedia CD-ROM era of computer games.
Gameplay Video
Here is a playlist with more gameplay featuring the other teams as well.
DinoMight Baseball is a Windows 95-era baseball computer game starring teams of dinosaurs. Players choose between one of eight standard teams or one all-star team to play against a local second player or the computer. The game is played by keyboard, or the instruction manual also claims support for the Batter Up controller via the computer joystick port.
There are six ballparks with different looks and hazards to vary gameplay: The Boneyard, Wiggly Field, Sandalstick Park, Fernway Park, Jurassic Field, and La Brea Tar Dome.
A free demo of the game was available to download online, restricting games to only two specific teams and two innings per game.
If you don’t have time to listen to the drawling dinosaur the credits are copied below. Credits given in the instruction manual but not inside the game are italicized.
Developed by Jumpin’ Jack Software
Game Designers – Richard Antaki, Brad Van Tighem
Executive Producer – Lawrence (Larry) Berkin
Art Director – Richard Antaki
Lead Programmer – Brad Van Tighem
Lead Animator – Eric “Bub” Wilder
3D Modeler – Rob Coleman
Illustrators – Jim Freed, Kirk Henderson, Eric “Bub” Wilder
Original Character Sketches – Kirk Henderson
Additional Programming – Robert Leyland, Eric Hammond
Sound Effects – Murray Orrick, Brad Van Tighem
Voice Scripting – Brad Van Tighem, Robert Arnold, Bill “Bull” Rooney, Richard Antaki
Voice Casting and Directing – RadioMagic Studios, Madeleine Wild
Character Voices – Joseph A. White, David Bryce, Paulino Duran, Larry Zee, John McTeer, Madeleine Wild, Roy Blumenfeld, Jeanie Borchelt, Rico (Richard) Antaki, Jim McCullough, Murray Orrick, Rick Betz, Nicolle Buckley, Tedi Joseph
P.A. Announcer – Lawrence Berkin
Voice Editing – Murray Orrick
Music and Crowd Noise – Art Music, Jeff Forehan, Tim Haggerty
Special Thanks To – William J. Rooney, Sharman Cippa, Lyn Van Tighem, Tanya Berkin
In Memory – Kenneth “The Bunk” Bunker, John McTeer
Published and Distributed by Microforum, Inc.
Producer – Jill Semple
Package Design and Illustrations – Anthony Del Rizzo
Manual Design – Jacinto Lima
DinoMight Baseball Glossary
Since this comes from the era of educational multimedia games, there is a large glossary section with the game’s voice actors explaining baseball terms in detail.
Physical Media
The game’s official website is still available on the Internet Archive. Included is a list of features, detailed credits for everyone working at Jumpin’ Jack Software, a link to download a demo of the game (download link not still functional naturally), and an order form.