Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2024-2025 screenshot showing player customization

Prospi elation, Pawapuro frustration

New Prospi trailer shows off player/team details and customization

We’re already up to a third trailer for Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2024-2025, this time focusing on specific player details in the animations. The game also adds real brands for player gear, which is almost entirely new in this edition of the game.

The official website also showed off some additional details for team customization. These custom uniforms look pretty good:

We’re getting closer to reality on what looks to be a big step forward for Konami. The game comes out on September 9th. There are still no signs that the Steam release will be allowed for purchase in North America, but the PS5 version will be region-free as always.

New Pawapuro selling well but making enemies

The official Pawapuro account has had to post a lot of apologies recently. In the past it’s been pretty minor corrections for feature announcements, or pointing Randy Bass the wrong way in the original version of their opening movie. This time, unfortunately for them, it’s about a buggy release that’s frustrated early buyers.

This combined with the (in my opinion) substandard feature set makes for a tough first month for Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2024-2025. The game currently has a 2.17/5 rating on the PlayStation Store, not usually a place you see much negativity.

The game has three separate patches already announced going into late August. Here are some Google Translate links for them:

Given how impressive and feature-rich the new Prospi is looking, you wonder if that game got the A-team this time around and Pawapuro had to put up with fewer resources. And yet…

By physical copies sold, this was the series’ biggest launch since Pawapuro 12 in 2005. Digital sales aren’t tracked the same way, so it’s safe to assume this is at worst their third-biggest launch week in series history. Whether it’s the 30th anniversary marketing, or cover man Shohei Ohtani, or decades of goodwill paying off big-time, it’s been a huge success.

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